Frequently Asked Questions
What is an Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU)?
The Financial Intelligence Unit is a statutory body responsible for receiving, analyzing, obtaining and disseminating information that relates to or may relate to the proceeds of crime in an effort to combat money laundering, terrorist financing and proliferation financing.
What is Money Laundering?
Money Laundering is the process by which monies generated by criminal activities are converted through legitimate channels into assets that cannot be easily traced back to their illegal origins.
How is Money Laundered?
Process: Placement → Layering → Integration
Placement: The launderer introduces his illegal profits into the financial system. After the funds have entered the financial system.
Layering: The Launderer engages in a series of conversions or movements of the funds to distance them from their source. Having successfully processed his criminal profits through the first two phases, the launderer then moves them to the third stage.
Integration: Having successfully processed his criminal profits the Launderer’s funds re-enter the legitimate economy.
What is Terrorist Financing?
Terrorist Financing is the direct, indirect, or willful provision of funds, financial services or where such services are made available or an attempt to make such services available, where there an intention or knowledge that the funds are to be used in whole or part in reference to a terrorist act.
What is the Financial Acting Task Force FATF?
The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is an inter-governmental body whose purpose is the development and promotion of policies, both at national and international levels, to combat money laundering, terrorist financing and proliferation. FATF is therefore a “policy-making body” which works to generate the necessary political will to bring about national legislative and regulatory reforms in these areas.
What is the EGMONT Group?
The Egmont Group is an international organization that facilitates cooperation and intelligence sharing between national financial intelligence units to investigate and prevent money laundering, terrorist financing, proliferation, and any other related crimes.
What is CFATF?
Caribbean Financial Action Task Force (CFATF) is an FATF Regional Style Body (FSRB) that has twenty-five member states and territories that have agreed to implement common countermeasures to address the problem of criminal money laundering, terrorism and proliferation.
How are Reporting forms submitted to the Financial Intelligence Unit?
Reporting forms are submitted via our online platform: caseKonnect
Which reports are filed with the Financial Intelligence Unit – Bahamas?
What is the FIU’s scope of unlawful activities?
These include among others:
What will the FIU do with information received?
The FIU processes and analyze information received and disseminate actionable intelligence in appropriate cases to relevant law enforcement agencies and regulatory bodies.
How do FIUs exchange information with each other?
FIUs exchange information with other FIUs via the Egmont Secure Web (ESW) on the basis of reciprocity or mutual agreement consistent with the procedures understood by the requesting and requested party. The requesting FIU must provide the reason for the request, the purpose for which the information will be used and sufficient information to enable the requested FIU to determine whether the request is consistent with its domestic laws.